  • Fixed leaderboard using incorrect days for calculation
  • Corrected leaderboard wins to correctly award points
  • Added leaderboard win action to metrics
  • Prevents leaderboard winner points from carrying over to the next week
  • Removed "Learn more" button from leaderboard email
  • Added Leaderboard to Dashboard for easy access
  • Fixed visibility issue with Fortune wheel on Perks page
  • Corrected negative spin count on Fortune wheel
  • Improved handling of pasting multiple shifts
  • Fixed leaderboard email position number display issue
  • Added translations for missing actions in Points history
  • Added missing Fortune wheel description
  • Improved alignment in various parts of the app
  • Updated Tooltip BG Color for improved visibility
  • Changed page titles from "Begin" to "Heybegin"
  • Corrected issue where weekly leaderboard winners were receiving double points.